Everyone I know seems to hate her but to me, she will always be the person who inspired me. Demi Lovato is my all time favorite role model, there is none other like her. When society tore her into pieces, she didn't let that ruin her life, she got back up and fought against what many teenagers are struggling with nowadays, being perfect. Who wants to be perfect? Isn't perfect kinda boring? People think she won't make it far because she made her start at Disney, people don't think she can be anything because her start was made at Disney but Demi Lovato is the only person who had the guts to stand up society and fight the pressure of being perfect and look at the respect it earned her. I'm a proud Lovatic and no amount of haters or mean comments and rumours can change that. Other celebrity's talk about fighting against airbrush beauty but so far, Demi is the only one who has taken any action. I'm not saying it because I'm a Lovatic, I'm saying it because it's true. How many celebrity's do you see doing that. I've seen her and Adele take action against airbrush beauty but everyone else? Look at Lady Gaga, she's not too fond of Adele because she's not as slim as her. Do you think that matters? Adele has an incredible voice but that doesn't matter because she's not slim. What the hell?
I've had so many people ask me 'why I am still a Lovatic, Demi does drugs'. I don't give a damn about stupid rumours and if Demi supposedly did do drugs, she's managed to fix herself and get herself back on the right track. She's taught me to Stay Strong and to be true to myself .
So no matter what people say, I have been and always will be a Lovatic.
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